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Look at what you're ABOUT to do from a reader's perspective
One of the more important actions anyone creating or 'cleaning up' a blog
can do is look at what you're doing or about to do from the perspective of
average Joe reader.
Average Joe doesn't care about profitability. He doesn't care that you're
optimising to make the most out of PPC clicks. He REALLY doesn't care
that you've worked hard in getting your information into the search engine
– and in front of them.
ALL he cares about is what they are looking for – and they are hoping that
YOUR site is the site that will provide it.
Average Joe will remain on your site and read ONE POST in for anywhere
up to 30 seconds. They might then click on your PPC advertising – they
might sign up for your newsletter – they might read more of your posts
(yes!) or, if your site doesn't live up to what they were expecting – what
they were looking for, they'll click away, either back to the search engine,
or to their next option from the search engine.
Blogging isn't just about eyeballs on your page – it’s about eyeballs on
your page, and comments in your inbox. People have to have a reason to
come back, and the simplest way to ensure that is to ensure you've got a
reason for them to WANT to visit your site again.
This stickivity is what makes blogging so tantalising- if you can get it
right, your blog will attract Average Joe, Average Jane and all of their
friends, because the best blogs get commented on in other places – and
shared with others.
So, from a reader's perspective is your blog going to fulfil a) your niche
and b) give your readers quality, quantitative content that will either strike
a controversial or empathic chord with them, giving them something to
comment on.

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